5 Mindful Acts of Compassion That Will Elevate You Above your Ego
The universe thanks you for your service
We’re all busy “leveling up.”
We shape our relationships to feel more passion and love.
We seek to change our habits to lead a healthier lifestyle.
We strive to improve our skills to achieve financial success.
All of these things are important and deserve our energy. I focus on all three daily and I know you do too.
But when the commitment to these aspects of my life turns into tunnel vision, I sometimes feel like I’ve re-entered the rat race, even after vigorously re-writing my life to avoid it.
My sole focus on my world and its challenges drags me away from the existential truth.
Separation is an illusion.
You are a reflection of me and I am a reflection of you.
When I’m given the opportunity to engage in mindful acts of compassion towards others, I’m lifted beyond my personality, individuality, and ego and reminded of this fact.
In that moment of unification, I’m alive and at peace.
“Compassion brings us to a stop and for a moment we rise above ourselves.” —Mason Cooley
Catching yourself passing judgment
I live in a place where nobody looks like me.
Understandably, I get a lot of stares.
Every day, I feel blank, confused, and curious eyes evaluate my presence. Sometimes, I look back and sometimes I don’t.
But, one thing I try to remain conscious of is subconscious, judgemental thoughts towards my observer.
When you become aware that you’re passing critical judgment towards another person, humanize them and remind yourself that they’re just like you.
They’re navigating life the best they can with the burdens they carry.
You may not know what those burdens are, but you can lighten it, if just for a moment, with compassionate thoughts towards them, and maybe even a smile.
Lending a hand when it’s least convenient
It’s easy to be of service when you’ve allocated that block of time to service.
There’s nothing wrong with it, but if you’re not careful, it can inflate your ego and lead to self-righteousness.
The real test comes when you’re not ready.
You’re busy with an important work project. You’re in a hurry to finish your errands. You feel like you have too much shit on you’re own plate to even take a sniff of someone else’s.
When you take the time to lend a helping hand amid a chaotic day, it changes your whole perspective.
Suddenly, your problems don’t seem that important.
You discover profound meaning through the attention you show to another.
Spreading joy when you least feel it within you
It feels natural to express joy when everything’s going amazing.
It takes a ton of energy and conscious willpower to be the joy you want to experience when it’s not there.
I’ve been there many times.
You don’t feel like dealing with anybody, so you put your head down and trot back to the privacy of your house like a horse in the rain.
But when you dig deep and retain that joyful, light-hearted, and compassionate you, you soon realize, it was there all along.
“The source of love is deep in us and we can help others realize a lot of happiness. One word, one action, one thought can reduce another person’s suffering and bring that person joy.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
Treating all living things with deep respect
Seeing yourself as one with life includes all life forms without exceptions.
How could you beat a dog and not expect life to react to the beating?
It’s like self-flagellation.
You’re begging for a potentially unpleasant wake-up call from the universe.
But when you see beauty in all creatures, it allows you to see the beauty in yourself.
And blessings instead of wake-up calls head your way.
“It is a man’s sympathy with all creatures that truly makes him a man. Until he extends his circle of compassion to all living things, man himself will not find peace.” —Albert Shweitzer
Evaluating your intentions
Why are you engaging in acts of compassion?
Is it out of a sense of duty?
Do you feel morally obliged?
Or do you do it because intuitively, you know what’s expected of you.
The universe will let you know when it’s time for an act of compassion. It’s your job to listen.
It’s a practice that requires consistent attention and repetitive conscious action.
It’s a way of life.
But when you connect with the act, you know you’re blessed.
Much Love & Be Well!